Tuesday 4 March 2014

Morality's Place in the Ukrainian Crisis

On the left, the right and from almost all corners of the globe, the reality that Russia is not going to back down and roll over in the ongoing crisis has been accepted but what will not be easy to accept is Russia's unrelenting stance and its insistence on the deployment of military force as a last resort. If Obama and the EU expected an easy acceptance of the potential loss of one of its major vassals then they could not be more wrong. From all indications, Russia is getting even more prepared to take any step necessary to make sure it does not lose Ukraine and if that happens, it does not lose the Crimea. As always, the Western media has jumped up to protect its own at all costs, either through fabrications, lies or propaganda that would enhance the West's image as a righteous and well-meaning force battling the evil that is Vladimir Putin. On this high moral ground, ardent followers of foreign policy will quickly discern the West's uneasiness as no nation can be farther from morality than most Western nations especially the USA. With such events as its support for terrorists in Syria, its lies in Libya and Iraq, its persecution of Edward Snowden who is not 30 years old yet but is already condemned to live the rest of his life in exile and other whistle blowers whose crime was to call the attention of the world to the USA's spying and of course the actions of its primary spy agency, the NSA,these and many more have made even the US's allies skeptical on trust issues. The USA can hardly stand up and be counted amongst morally pure nations. Thus, any accusations leveled against Vladimir Putin and  Russia would be frivolous if it was on the high and mighty mount of morality. On the grounds of breaking international law, no nation has broken international laws in the past two centuries than the United States of America.
          No voice has been more lost and drowned out in the turmoil of war cries than the voice of the people of the nation at the center of this crisis. If anyone should determine what is best for Ukraine right now, it is the Ukrainian people themselves. An unbiased mind will realize that the country is almost divided in half on both counts. The Eastern part of Ukraine where the Crimea and most Russian speaking peoples of Ukraine are located is pro-Russia and the Western part is pro-West. This reality leaves the advocates for winning the soul of Ukraine in a quandary as the people themselves are almost equally divided in their choice of where to turn or who to turn to.
          Most are wary of the West's ideas now in light of recent misdeeds and the US itself would not dare send its troops into another war just as the $3.9T budget Obama just proposed for the 2014 year cuts more than half of military spending. Another war would cause a population outcry and leave the US itself destabilized and might be a victim of its own policies of meddling and intervention and the sowing the seeds of dissent. As the divisions deepen between the eastern and western regions of Ukraine, the backers of the putsch regime in Kiev (the US) portray Russia as a reckless aggressor to absolve their own responsibility for engineering the crisis which threatens to throw Europe and the rest of the free world into unwanted crisis...a prelude to WWIII...or is it???
          The USA can not put itself in the position of prosecutor, judge and executioner....not in this case, not now, not in this instance. Whatever happens, we all have to wait and see as the end of this crisis will see the emergence of a whole new world.
Follow me on Twitter @simonwayne7

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